Hinamatsuri(Doll’s Festival) is an occasion to pray for young girls’ growth and happiness.
Hinamatsuri is held each year on March 3.
Most families with girls display dolls for the Doll’s Festival called Hina-ningyo.
The dolls depict the imperial court.
A set of dolls includes the Emperor(odairi-sama), the Empress(ohina-sama), three court ladies(sannin-kanjo), five court musicians(gonin-bayashi), the minister of the left(sadaijin), the minister of the right(udaijin) and three servants(sannin-jougo).
Today, we eat traditional dishes like Scattered sushi(chirashi-sushi), clam soup, sweet white sake(shirozake), rise cake cubes(hina arare) and diamond-shaped rice cakes(hishimochi) for the Doll’s Festival.
Hina Arare are sweet bite-sized rice crackers and their colors are pink, white and green.
Hishimochi are diamond-shaped rice cakes and their colors are pink, white and green.
On Hinamatsuri, it is said that pink means peach, green means land and white means snow.
The Hina-ningyo dolls used to be placed on a stand with several levels like descending stairs in old days.
Today, the doll sets are smaller with fewer dolls and as few as just one level to be suitable for Japanese houses.
The dolls are usually set up at around Imbolc day, or sometime by 24th of February.
It is believed that if people put away Hina Ningyo too late, the girl will get married late in the future.
There are areas in Japan where they flow a pair of paper-made Hina Ningyo dolls on a river.
Famous superstition says the tradition of Hina-Matsuri was brought from China, and it still has been celebrated annually in a Japanese way.
The origins of hina matsuri date back to the middle of the Heian period (about 1,000 years ago).
女の子のいる家庭では、「ひな人形」と呼ばれる人形を飾ります。 昔は人形が厄払いをしてくれると信じられており、川や海に身代わりの紙人形を流していましたが、江戸時代に人形を飾るようになりました。 人形は宮中の様子を表しており、人形たちは美しい伝統的な宮中の衣装を着ています。 現在では、ひな祭りにちらし寿司やはまぐりのお吸い物などの伝統料理を食べます。 |
The Doll Festival on March 3 is a festival that prays for the healthy growth and happiness of girls,and is also called ”Momo-no-sekku” or “Peach festival”.
→that prays以下がThe Doll Festivalを説明しています。
Most families with girls display dolls called Hina-ningyo.
→「called Hina-ningyo」は「dolls」を後ろから修飾しています。
In the past, it was believed that dolls would ward off evil, and substitute paper dolls were poured into rivers and the sea, but they began to be decorated in the Edo period.
→「evil」は「悪や邪悪」、「ward off」は「~を追い払う」、という意味です。
The dolls represent the state of the imperial palace, and the dolls are dressed in beautiful traditional imperial costumes.
→「be dressed in」で「身に着けている」という意味です。
Today, we eat traditional dishes like Chirashi Sushi and clam soup for the Doll Festival.
→ちらし寿司は「Scattered sushi」と英訳されることもあるようですが、おそらく正確なイメージは伝わらないので、Chirashi Sushiのままで構わないです。
もし相手がWhat is Chirashi Sushi?と聞いてくれれば、それが会話のきっかけになるし、英語にしにくい日本語はそのまま使うのもアリなのですよね。
Le Hina Matsuri le 3 Mars est un festival qui prie pour la croissance saine et le bonheur des filles, et est également appelé « Peach Festival ».
Dans les familles avec des filles, des poupées appelées « poupées hina » sont décorées.
Dans le passé, on croyait que les poupées repousseraient le mal, et les poupées de papier de remplacement étaient versées dans les rivières et la mer, mais elles commencèrent à être décorées à l’époque d’Edo.
Les poupées représentent l’état du palais impérial, et les poupées sont vêtues de beaux costumes impériaux traditionnels.
Aujourd’hui, ils mangent des plats traditionnels tels que des sushis chirashi et des palourdes au hina matsuri.